How to Remove Hyperpigmentation around Mouth
While hyperpigmentation around mouth are not scars, the dark, sometimes blotchy areas left by skin inflammation are still annoying enough that hyperpigmentation removal is often desired. You may have discoloration around mouth, and maybe you are wondering how to get rid of hyperpigmentation around mouth fast. You can go for cosmetic treatments like laser treatment for discoloration around the mouth. There are certain effective home remedies that would help on solving discolouration around mouth.Home Remedies to Get rid of Hyperpigmentation around Mouth
Treatment using Natural Vinegar for hyperpigmentation around mouth: For getting rid of hyperpigmentation, natural vinegar is the most effective solution. It can be used as a topical treatment for skin pigmentation disorders. The whitening and brightening properties of vinegar will make your skin bright and help you in fading pigmentation. Mix equal quantities of vinegar and water, and gently cleanse the discoloration around the mouth with it.Hyperpigmentation around mouth Treatment using Dried Orange Peels: For getting rid of discoloration around mouth naturally, you can try dried orange peels remedy. Dry orange peels and then powder them. Mix this powder with raw milk and make a thick paste and apply on your discoloration around the mouth. Rinse off after a while. It will help cleanse and lighten and remove hyperpigmentation.
Turmeric Remedies for Hyperpigmentation: Turmeric is excellent for fading scars, reducing hyperpigmentation and skin lightening. To get rid of hyperpigmentation around mouth, make a turmeric paste and apply to your face or discolored skin. Another remedy for treating hyperpigmentation is to take equal quantities of turmeric powder and tomato juice and mix well to get a paste and apply on the pigmented areas. Allow the mask to sit on the pigmented skin for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cold water and pat dry to get rid of discolouration around mouth. Make a thick paste using chick pea powder and lemon or orange juice. Add a bit of turmeric powder to the mix and apply it to the dark discoloration around mouth.
Avocado for Hyperpigmentation Treatment: Avocado can be used to remove discoloration around the mouth. Avocado is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, oleic acid and other compounds known to help soothe and heal skin tissues. Spreading a mashed-up avocado on the discolouration around mouth is is one of the best dark spot remover remedy that might help heal skin damaged by hyperpigmentation.
Egg whites to Get rid of Dark spots around Mouth. Use a cotton ball to apply egg white as a facial mask to get rid of black around your month. Then, with a warm, wet washcloth, scrub the egg whites off your face very gently. The egg whites have powerful healing qualities which can help to heal yourskin blemishes, skin pigmentation disorders and dark spots on face. You can also mix 1 egg white with equal amounts of honey and lemon juice to form a thin paste and apply on your face. This is one of the best hyperpigmentation treatment.
Emu oil for skin pigmentation Treatment: Emu oil is an essential oil which contains different nutrients and has had to be very effective in treating hyperpigmentation problem. When used topically and orally, emu oil is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties to deal with many skin conditions. It absorbs quickly and penetrates deeply into the skin thus, emu oil is useful to treat pigmentation disorders.
These are some of the best natural home remedies on how to remove hyperpigmentation around mouth. Try these natural treatments and homemade remedies to reduce skin pigmentation and get rid of facial dark spots, freckles, and blemishes naturally.